Kathryn Irby’s Don’t Go Home: A Daughter’s Reflections is Out Now!!!
Don’t Go home: A daughter’s reflections caters to those prospective readers, who are interested in knowing how, when, and where the Civil Rights Movement began, provoking them to contrast that era with the Civil Rights Movement as it applies to today. For example, the reality of the serial cop killings, their right to vote being suppressed, etc. Don’t Go home: A daughter’s reflections also seeks to attract prospective readers, who have a curiosity regarding Kathryn Irby’s father’s encounter through death threats, from the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
About Don’t Go home: A Daughter’s Reflections

Hi, my name is Kathryn Irby. I wrote this memoir because of my intense passion regarding the Civil Rights Movement, which began even before my father and his family’s encounter with the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, this occurrence which only made my zeal for the Movement become that much deeper. As a teenager during that time, I was exposed to the ignorant negative remarks toward the Negroes, made by those of my own race; however, since my parents did not think with that type of untoward mentality, thankfully, neither did I. The dire necessity for the creation of the Civil Rights Movement was inevitable, since it was only right that Blacks ultimately were enabled to become equal to their White oppressors with regard to their most basic civil rights. However, were it not for the humble beginnings of this Movement, they would not have progressed to the extent to which they have today. Although it is true that there is still a long way for them to go, nevertheless, their lives never would have been so advanced as they are today. Just like anything else in life, change must begin somewhere in order to attain higher levels of achievement.
- This memoir will provide a firm knowledge about the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the White people’s racial discrimination, merely based upon the color of the Negroes’ skin, as well as where and how it all began.
- This notion relies upon enabling people to understand most of the events during the period of 1963-1968, and far beyond, as well as where the future leads them.
- This book will tailor to those readers who are interested in discovering, first-hand, what the Civil Rights Movement was about.
- From this book, readers will be able to learn more about the Civil Rights Era, at a time when expression made for voting and other basic rights were nevertheless suppressed.
- Last, but certainly not least, this memoir was written to entice readers to learn about my own father’s sudden and unpredictable encounter with the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.